WInnForum Advocacy Agenda

In 2012, The Wireless Innovation Forum initiated a project to identify the major advocacy positions that the Forum will use to collaborate with governments, regulators, standards bodies, and research sponsors acting as the voice of the wireless innovation community. The advocacy agenda will support the Forum’s mission statement of advocating for the innovative utilization of spectrum, and advancing radio technologies that support essential or critical communications.

To create the Advocacy Agenda, the Forum’s Regulatory Committee sought participation from the different stakeholders and leveraged the body of work that has been approved by the Forum’s members that advocate positions to advance wireless innovation in spectrum utilization and radio technologies. The Advocacy Agenda is composed of five focus areas (click on the button for each topic to be taken to a page with more in depth information on that topic):

Essential and Critical Communications

Innovation and Competition



Communications Interoperability

If you have comments to share on the Forum's Advocacy Agenda, please contact Lee Pucker.