Market Studies - Public

Market studies are commissioned by the commissioned by the Wireless Innovation Forum on behalf of its members.

SDR Market Study Task 6: The Telematics Market

Commissioned by the Wireless Innovation Forum - June 2007

This report provides a comprehensive look at initiatives by the automotive industry and government transportation organizations to utilize computer and communications technology to enhance the public's automobile travel experiences.

SDR Market Study Task 5: The Cognitive Radio Market

Commissioned by the Wireless Innovation Forum - June 2007

This report provides a comprehensive look at the technology that many industry stakeholders identify as an essential enabling technology to achieve future goals in key wireless industry market segments, including the commercial, public safety and military sectors.


SDR Market Study Task 4: The U.S. Public Safety Market

Commissioned by the Wireless Innovation Forum - May 2007

The report summarizes the results of interviews with public safety communication officials from around the country, and provides a comprehensive look at a very fragmented market consisting of a multitude of federal, state and local agencies; city, county and regional jurisdictions; and police, fire and emergency medical functions.


SDR Market Study Task 3: Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and Beyond 3G/4G

Commissioned by the Wireless Innovation Forum - May 2007

This report provides a comprehensive look at the broadband wireless access market opportunities for the SDR community and the challenges it faces.


SDR Market Study Task 1: Market Segmentation and Sizing

Commissioned by the Wireless Innovation Forum - March 2005

This report is the first of a series of SDR market studies commissioned by the Wireless Innovation Forum. The work to create these SDR market study reports is divided into two phases and multiple tasks. This first task of the current work phase is to "segment and size" the most promising market segments with rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimates and general segment discussions. Follow-on tasks will provide more detailed segmentation and sizing for each segment and more detailed analysis of requirements, drivers, issues, and business models.


SDR Operator Market Requirements

Produced by SDR Operator Market Requirements Study Group - October 2003

This study summarizes the requirements identified by operators participating in the Wireless Innovation Forum for future technology evolutions. Requirements were gather from responses to a questionnaire distributed in 2003.


SDR Market Study Task 2: The Cellular Industry- Terminals and Infrastructure

Commissioned by the Wireless Innovation Forum - September 2005

This report, The Cellular Industry-Terminals and Infrastructure, provides a
comprehensive look at the largest potential market segment for SDR technologies.


The Emergence of the Software Phone

Commissioned by the Wireless Innovation Forum - November 1998

This four part study assesses the potential for software phones to emerge as the dominant design for future generations of wireless communications systems.