Document Approval Process
In the many years since its inception, Forum members have accomplished a substantial body of work in our Knowledge Center. A significant benefit provided to Forum members by the organization has been a venue for discussion of technical issues. Competing companies have been able to discuss technology innovation, and arrive at consensus agreements that avoid product differences introduced solely because they have been developed by engineering organizations without a means to communicate and compromise.
The Forum recently moved to a Lean Standards Development ModelTM, which speeds the development process considerably compared to other standards organizations.

Model Elements
- Committee roadmap set requirements at a high level, “backlog” establishes a prioritized list of work to be done
- Backlog items are assigned to a “sprint”
- Detailed requirements defined
- Protocols developed
- Test and certification established
- Results of sprint delivered in an Interim Release
- Continual Feedback from deployment against Interim Releases establishes new backlog items
- Major release comprised of one or more interim releases
- Results: Standards delivered in months, not years
Click here for a presentation of an overview of the process.
The current policy document can be found here here.