TR-1014 6 GHz foundational document

In this episode, we are talking with Navin Hatharimani of Nokia, about the Forum's 6 GHz Operational and Functional Requirements document, TR-1014, which sets the stage for operations in the band. 

For more information on the Forum's 6 GHz Committee: 

Join us in setting the standard: 

00:34 WInnForum's AFC Functional Specification Work Group and how it fits into the larger 6 GHz Committee 
01:45 More on the task groups and the issues they tackle (For a diagram of all the groups
03:07 Who is this group (and its subsequent documents) designed to help? 
04:47 How are the requirements organized? What are the categories? 
07:24 This just the beginning; more will be added 
07:54 What makes this set of requirements different? 
09:00 What kind of timeline are we looking at? 
10:00 Wondering about market verticals?

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