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CBRS Gets an Upgrade with New Features

Now that CBRS is in full commercial operation, a number of enhancements to the baseline specifications have been identified to support the diverse market verticals in the CBRS ecosystem. Today I'm talking to the Forum's Spectrum Sharing Committee co-chair Richard Bernhardt of WISPA about the group's new  à la-carte approach to the development of standards extending beyond the baseline required for FCC Certification in response to industry need.

1:03 A bit about the new a-la-carte development
1:55 Backward compatibility
2:45 Self-certifying for SASes and CBSDs
3:38 What is on the horizon?

6 GHz Band with Mark Gibson

Today I'm talking with CommScope's Mark Gibson, who chairs the Forum's 6 GHz Committee. Recently a larger 6 GHz Multistakeholder group has been formed as well, combining the Forum's membership horsepower with the WiFi Alliance and broader industry stakeholders to tackle an aggressive timeline to operations in the band. Today, Mark will explain the background and get into how the groups work together.

00.45 How and why did Forum get involved in the 6GHz band
01.38 Creation of the WInnForum's charter
02:09 What is the difference between the WInnForum's 6 GHz Committee and the Industry 6 GHz Multistakeholder Group anyway?
03:13 The Forum's first document for the Committee and the resulting timeline for the  Committee, including resulting FCC filings
03:59 A bit about the Forum's different sub-committees
04:44 Now more on the 6 GHz Multistakeholder Group
05:29 A relationships forms with the WiFi Alliance
05:54 More on the establishment of the MSG and its workstreams
08:00 What is the timeline moving forward? Will we be able to have an AFC certified by the holiday 2021 goal?
09:23 What has to happen for us to meet that goal?
10:19 How can stakeholders get involved?
13:26 A bit on the meeting cadence

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Top Ten Most Wanted Wireless Innovations

Today I'm talking with Forum President and Chair, John Glossner and our Chief Technical Officer, Andy Clegg. John is the  CEO of Optimum Semiconductor Technologies and President of the Heterogeneous System Architecture Foundation. Andy is Spectrum Engineering Lead for Google and was previously program director for spectrum management at the U.S. National Science Foundation. Both are involved in the Forum's Advanced Technologies Committee, which heads the Forum's decade old Top Ten Most Wanted Wireless Innovations project, and often serves as the seed of many Forum projects.


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What is Lean Standards Development

How does the Forum develop its standards to efficiently?

Join us for a 10 minute conversation with WInnForum CEO, Lee Pucker, on what makes the Forum so nimble in standards creation: our Lean Standards Development Model.

Skip to the timestamps below if you're in a rush:
0:26 - What is the Lean Standards Development Model and how is it the most efficient path to commercial

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