Christian Serra - 2008 SDR Forum Contributor Award
Christian Serra's contributions to the development of software defined and cognitive radio have been many, varied and significant. Christian Serra has been actively involved with the SDR Forum during the past 8 years, supporting multiple Working Group initiatives including the SDR Forum Roadmap Task Group, an initiative which provided recommendations for the future direction for the SDR Forum at a critical point in our history. Christian provided substantive leadership in the generation of the SDR Roadmap during 2002. His unique ability to integrate across the diverse constituencies to identify common ground, to articulate a vision and to get support for that vision has been a hallmark of his outstanding contributions for the betterment of the international tactical radio community and the SDR Forum as a whole.
Christian has served in varying capacities on the SDR Forum Board of Directors, including the key position as the Chair of the SDR Forum from 2005 to 2007. During this period Christian worked tirelessly to champion the SDR Forum within the European Community as the logical place to develop and promote an SCA based architecture supporting the needs of the international community. This has included presenting on behalf of the SDR Forum at numerous workshops and conferences, as well as in one-on-one meetings with representatives of the European Commission, the European Defense Agency, and NATO. Through his efforts, participation in the SDR Forum by government agencies and radio manufacturers across Europe has substantially increased. Christian is currently Chief Engineer - Advanced Studies and Standards for Thales Communications
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