JPEO JTRS TD/CTO - 2011 Forum International Achievement Award JPEO JTRS TD/CTO (Richard North, John Armantrout, CDR Andy Kessler, Alan Sweeney, Eric Carlson, Cara Zylla, Don Stephens, Kevin Richardson, Phil Chen, Chalena Jiminez) took home the 2011 award, as voted on by the membership. JPEO JTRS TD/CTO has tirelessly supported Software Defined Radios and their introduction into the Department of Defense for the past five years, growing a market that has helped advance the SDR community across the entire spectrum of Defense and Commercial development. The Team has identified multiple new technologies from the Forum’s membership (and others) for support through SBIRs and T&E events with other JTRS products. JTRS has also worked with the entire Wireless Innovation Forum membership to improve and consolidate SDR standards across the industry, while at the same time looking forward to SCA Next to advance and evolve those standards to the next level. The Team has worked with the WInnF membership on improving openness and availability of all possible JTRS products, including significant work with the WInnF’s International membership. Finally, the JPEO has partnered with the WInnF for many years to co-host a Wireless Innovation Forum Technical Meeting with the JTRS Science and Technology Forum (JSTeF) in San Diego, Calif. |